Utility Bundle 1
This Bundle includes (almost) all of my MaxForLive utility devices/packs,
I made for Ableton Live up until 2025:
- Varispeed
- VisualBrowser
- GetOutOfMyWay
- KeepCollapsed&KeepOpened
- Re-Record
- DimSolo
- ToggleSuite
- Rename Clips to Track Name
- Recolor Clips to Track Color
- Cascade Assign Inputs&Outputs
- Mod devices for Push
- Touch Me
(Latency fixer/recorder, and GainstageSnapshots are not included, since if you already upgraded to Ableton Live 12 you probably won't need those)
Ableton | Check individual packs for Compatibility! |
System | Mac, Windows, |
What's in this bundle:

Varispeed is a MaxForLive device that allows you to transpose your entire Live set in Ableton Live.
Similar to the Varispeed option in analog tape machines and DAWs like Logic pro.
It transposes all Audio/MIDI clips in both Session and Arrangement View by up to -24/+24 semitones while accurately changing the Live Set’s tempo.
It can also automatically transpose:
- The Root Note of individual Audio, and MIDI clips, and your Live Set.
- Simpler devices in Slicing mode, and Serato Sample plugins
- AutoTune plugins - Antares, Waves, Nectar, MetaTune, Melda, Melodyne, Xpitch, and AutoTuna - (AutoShift is also compatible)
- Certain Antares effects/Instruments. (EFX, Slice, Harmony Engine, Vocodist)
- A few other built in Ableton Live and M4L devices. (Like Shifter, Corpus, and Resonators)
- You can also Transpose MIDI information after leaving clips such as sequencer and chord generator outputs or individual Drum Rack cells (see VPitch section for details).
Exclude specific tracks like drums, or DrumRacks. by adding a keyword or symbol to their names, keeping their MIDI and audio clips untouched in your Live Set (See Exclude section for Details).
This gives you the ability to explore your song in a different key, and record parts in different speed and pitch with one click.
Ableton | Live 11, Live 12 |
System | Mac, Windows, |

Visual Browser
Visual Browser is a MaxForLive utility device that lets you create your own picture based browser in Ableton Live for Plugins, Devices, Track presets, samples, and so on.
You can create your own browser structure by creating subcategories where you can create as many "cards" as you wish with a built in editor.
When you click on a card, the device will open up the browser in Ableton Live, and it'll load the selected plugin/device.
By default it's only includes Live's built in effects. if you want to add VST plugins you have to create cards for them using the editor.
Ableton | Live 10, Live 11, Live 12 |
System | Mac, Windows, |

Toggle Suite
This pack contains 7 maxforlive devices:
Global Parameter Toggle 8
Global Parameter Toggle Extra 8
Global Bypass 1
Global Bypass 8
Global Bypass Extra 8
Bypass Everything
Collapse Everything
They are meant to enhance your mixing workflow in Ableton Live, by providing control to batch toggle any device/plugin parameters In all plugin/device instances across all your tracks.
Things like: oversampling and HQ modes, bypass, and so on.
A few use-cases:
- Compare different device/plugin settings:
For example, let's say you have a tape emulation plugin across all your tracks, and you want to quickly check how it would sound with different IPS (inches per second) setting.
Select your tape plugin and the IPS parameter, then assign two values for the On and the Off state.
Now you can toggle this parameter across all your tracks with one click, and every plugin will follow the changes.
It doesn’t stop here because you can now select multiple additional parameters and assign them to the available slots, such as calculation, input-output, and more.
- Optimize CPU usage by turning on the Oversampling/HQ mode for all devices:
Similar to the previous example, you can select all the plugins/devices that offer the Oversampling option. and then toggle it in every instance in your project with one click:
- Bypass every plugin/device in your LiveSet with just one click using the "Bypass Everything" device.
- Collapse/Expand all devices in the DeviceView across all tracks.
And there’s a lot more you can achieve with these devices.
These are just a few examples. : )
MaxForLive devices by Elisabeth Homeland
Ableton | Live 10, Live 11, Live 12 |
System | Mac, Windows, |

Dim Solo
Dim Solo or Solo in front is a feature that exists in some other DAWs, but Ableton Live doesn't have this functionality by default.
This maxforlive device implements this feature into Ableton Live.
With the traditional solo function, the tracks that are not soloed are muted entirely.
With Dim Solo, non-soloed tracks still bleed through but at a reduced level.
This can be really useful if you want to focus on a specific track, but you still want to hear the context it's in.
Also you gain the ability to solo a track that’s in a group and hear it without the group track’s effects.
MaxForLive devices by Elisabeth Homeland
Ableton | Live 10, Live 11, Live 12 |
System | Mac, Windows, |

GetOutOfMyWay is a MaxForLive device that helps you manage large projects, Live sets in Ableton Live more efficiently.
You can create up to 10 "View Groups" that you can use to focus on certain tracks in your Live set.
You can put an unlimited amount of keywords in each of them,
and once you enable a View Group, GOOMW will go through your Live set, and it'll "Highlight" all the tracks that completely or partially matches any of the keywords, while it'll "Hide" (Collapse) all the others.
This makes it easy to work on individual sections of your project without being distracted by other tracks.
In addition:
- You can zoom in or out on either the selected view group or the entire project.
- You can Create more complex View Groups with „Exception” and „Include” keywords.
You can combine multiple View Groups together by "Latching" them.
The device also includes two additional devices, Keep Opened and Keep Collapsed, which help you further organize your project.
- Works in both Arrangement and Session View too,
(except the zoom functionality which only works in Arrangement view)
MaxForLive devices by Elisabeth Homeland
Ableton | Live 10, Live 11, Live 12 |
System | Mac, Windows, |

Keep Collapsed & Keep Opened
These devices are included with my other MaxForLive device : GETOUTOFMYWAY.
But you can get them separately as well.
(both of them works as individual devices without GOOMW ! )
If you put them on a track, the track will be forced to either always be in a collapsed or expanded state.
MaxForLive devices by Elisabeth Homeland
Ableton | Live 10, Live 11, Live 12 |
System | Mac, Windows, |

Re-Record is a small MaxForLive device that helps you move quicker during recording.
When you key-map the original record button in Ableton Live, if you mess things up and want to try again you need to do the following steps:
- stop the recording,
- delete the previously recorded messed up take.
- select the position where you want to start the new take.
- press the record button again.
With re record this process is a lot quicker:
- Map the Re-record button to a key.
- When you press this shortcut the first time it'll start the recording,
and if you know you want to start again,
just press the keyboard shortcut again to restart immediately.
MaxForLive devices by Elisabeth Homeland
Ableton | Live 10, Live 11, Live 12 |
System | Mac, Windows, |

Recolor Clips to Track Color
It's a small FREE Maxforlive utility device that automatically synchronizes your clips color to their tracks color throughout your whole Live Set.
You can use it in manual, or automatic mode.
(In manual mode you can trigger it manually, Automatic mode will re-color the clips every time you change a tracks color.)
You can decide if you want to re-color all clips to their tracks color on All tracks, or only on the selected.
And where should it re-color them: In Arrangement, in Session view, or both.
The recolor button is key or midi mappable, and every parameter is accessible from Push.
MaxForLive devices by Elisabeth Homeland
Ableton | Live 11, Live 12 |
System | Mac, Windows, |

Rename Clips to Track Name
It's a small FREE maxforlive utility device that don't need a lot of explanation. : )
You can decide if you want to rename all clips to their tracks name on All tracks, or only on the selected.
And where should it rename them: In Arrangement, in Session view, or both.
The "rename" button is key or MIDI mappable, and every parameter is accessible from Push.
MaxForLive devices by Elisabeth Homeland
Ableton | Live 11, Live 12 |
System | Mac, Windows, |

Mod devices for Push
Ableton Live’s built-in LFO, Shaper, Envelope Follower, Shaper MIDI, and Envelope MIDI are powerful modulation MaxforLive devices, that allow you to modulate up to eight selectable parameters in diverse ways.
However, their default versions do not support mapping from Ableton Push, making it difficult to set up and use these devices directly from Push without initial configuration on your computer.
To address this limitation, I’ve developed modified versions of these devices with improved Push 3 standalone integration.
With this pack you can map any device parameter to be modulated by the devices directly from Push 3 standalone.
- Envelope Follower
- Shaper
- Envelope MIDI
- Shaper MIDI
MaxForLive devices by Elisabeth Homeland
Ableton | Live 12 |
System | Mac, Windows, |

Cascade Assign Inputs&Outputs
It's a small FREE utility maxforlive device that lets you quickly assign multiple hardware inputs and outputs to the selected tracks, in cascading order.
So you can use the quick cascade assign feature you find in other daws like Pro tools or Reaper in Ableton Live.
MaxForLive devices by Elisabeth Homeland
Ableton | Live 10, Live 11, Live 12 |
System | Mac, Windows, |

Touch Me
TouchMe is a maxforlive device that let you assign a a MIDI fader/knob to control the last touched/selected parameter in your project.
It works both with Plugin parameters, and built in Live effects, MaxForLive devices as well.
It’s a great device if you like to write automation with a controller but you don’t want to MIDI map the parameters every single time.
Additionally you can temporary lock TouchMe to a device/plugin parameter.
Until Lock is enabled Touch me will stop't following the selected parameters.
And it'll stay mapped to the last one you selected prior to locking.
Ableton | Live 10, Live 11, Live 12 |
System | Mac, Windows, |