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Workflow utility

Elisabeth Homeland

Visual Browser


Visual Browser is a MaxForLive utility device that lets you create your own picture based browser in Ableton Live for Plugins, Devices, Track presets, samples, and so on. 

You can create your own browser structure by creating subcategories where you can create as many "cards" as you wish with a built in editor. 

When you click on a card, the device will open up the browser in Ableton Live, and it'll load the selected plugin/device.

By default it's only includes Live's built in effects. if you want to add VST plugins you have to create cards for them using the editor. 

Ableton Live 10, Live 11, Live 12,
System Mac, Windows,

Customer Reviews

Based on 19 reviews
Mike G.(.G.
The best Max For Live device you'll ever purchase

This is the most no-brainer, well thought out, absolute necessity Max For Live device you will ever come across. It's simply not possible for Visual Browser not to elevate your workflow. FL users have gotten a taste of this with plugin picker but this is light years better IMO because we can now be as organized as we want to be with Visual Browser. Well worth the set up time as you can really dial in your own custom arsenal of plugins to be categorized as intricately as you'd like and coupled with clean visuals which makes picking plugins in the moments of production/mixing easier and helps facilitate choices outside of my usual routine choices.

Perfect for Organised people

Takes some time to prepare the way it you want, but then it does magic to your flow. Love the fact you see screenshots of the devices!

Love this

This device is the best. It helps me find my presets much more easily.

Visual browser for visual people :)

Some folks (like me) prefer to see the picture instead of text because they memorise things in a visual way. Visual browser may be a very handy tool for them, especially when they have a lot of plugins installed ;)

best browser for ableton!

I absolutely love this device! ... I use it every single time in n ew projects. Its just better than text period. having a visual tool aid u for choosing your next device is something that's missing from Ableton. 5 stars all day.

Visual Browser is one of the best Max 4 Live devices out there!

An essential part of my workflow. It really speeds thing up and makes it possible to access hundreds of plugins or devices at the click of a keyboard key. Thanks Nandi for providing such a useful and time-saving tool.

Quick Browser

Create your own custom image based quick browser, where you can find everything easily.

Create your own categories

You can organize everything into your own sub-categories.

Choose your Layout

You can customize it any way you want.
Use it as a full screen browser, small floating window, or side panel.

Touch Support

You can even use it with an external touch screen.

Load a random preset

You can load random plugins/presets to experiment with tools you already forgot you have.

--- check out the User manual for Visual Browser ---

Visual Browser is a MaxForLive device that lets you load your favorite plugins/devices, instruments, track presets, samples into your project with a well organized visual layout.
You can fully customize it, and use it as you wish. For example:

Using it is very simple: 

  1. Select one of your main Categories ( Effecrts, Instruments, TrackPresets, User)

  2. Select one of the SubCategories.

  3. Press on a card to load it into the selected track.

  4. Open the Settings, or the LayoutPreset panels.

You can customise everything in VB to your liking, then save it as a preset if you want to switch between different modes:

If you press the „Dice” button, you can load a random device/effect/instrument.. into the project from the selected SubCategory:

You can load random a random preset of the selected card instead of the default device.
For example Load a random DrumRack from your library:

VB 2.7 - 2025.01.01.

  • New: If there's an update available, you'll see a small message (Update available: *version* ) on top of the ElisabethHomeland logo. If you click on it'll open my website where you can download the latest release. 

VB 2.6.3 - 2024.11.20

  • Fixed an issue that caused VB to generate a special characters in some keyboard layouts if the first letter was a vovel (Like Ömnisphere)

  • The "Close browser after load" option now works as it should in Live 12.1

VB 2.6.2 - 2024.07.22

  • Compatibility with Live 12.1 Beta

VB 2.6.1 - 2024.03.12

  • The settings parameters are now recalled correctly.

  • The settings panel shows up correctly.

  • On some Windows systems VB became a bit laggy since Live 12. So I fixed that. Sadly I had to remove the Window Transparency option on Windows in order to do that.

  • The device no longer generate any undo steps when you insert it into your project.

VB 2.6 - 2024.02.13.

  • Live 12 support

  • NEW: Select the default Main category.

  • Undo history related fixes.

VB 2.5 - 2023.8.01.

  • Windowed mode for different use cases:
    Change between FullScreen and Windowed mode, and put VB anywhere in your screen: 
    replacing Live’s browser, or using it on an external monitor/Ipad , setting it to the side... and so on.

  • TouchScreen support: 
     VB now officially supports External Displays, and Touchscreen devices: 

  • Dice:
    Press the Dice to load a random card into the project from the selected SubCategory: 

  • Random place load:
    Load a random preset of the selected Device/effect.-New (Resizable) Settings panel-new LayoutPresets panel :
    Save custom Window layouts for different use cases and recall them on the fly. 
    (Press the disc icon to reveal it) 
    Everything in the settings panel will be saved into these presets (except the Misc settings).-Better Card editing:
    From now on if you select a card in the editor and it’ll automatically fill the Card/Place input field so if you want to replace the name/place it’ll be a lot easier:
    And you don’t have to use underscores (_)  instead of space anymore,
    The Device will format the text for you automatically. 
    (If you want to add multiple cards use a comma to separate them (,) :::: Card 1, Card 2, ) 

  • Drag n drop files to create Cards: 
    It’s now possible to select (even multiple) things from Live’s browser and drop it into the editor to automatically create new cards: 
    (Drag the files directly to the "Name: Place" text where you see the purple frame) 

  • Highlight the selected subcategory:
    The Browser now highlights the selected subcategory. -Remember last selected Category/Subcategory on reopen-New customization options: Margin, Close after load,  windowed mode

  • Updated GUI / better interface with custom themes. 

  • Loading samples auto creates a midi track if none is selected. 
    ( if the card’s name ends with .waw or .aif) 

VB 2.2 - 2023.02.14.

  • New: You can decide if you want to close Live's Browser after plugin/device load or not.

  • New: You can now change the text size of the Categories, and Cards.

  • New: You can now decide where to load the next plugin/device :
    At the end of the chain/Before the selected device / after the selected device.

  • Rearranged tweaks section in the main window.

  • Improved AHK mode (fixed an issue with third party plugin load using AHK mode)

  • the search field in Live's browser now gets cleared every time after you use VB.

  • Updated documentation

VB 2.1 - 2023.02.14.

  • New: Now there's option to change the Category buttons size. (for better compatibility if you want to use the device with touchscreen) -New: AHK mode for Windows:
    If you’re using Windows with certain languages like Korean, there’s a chance that the device will not work properly when you try to load the devices in your project.
    In that case you can enalbe AHK mode.If you’re using this option the device will load the devices into your project using AutoHotkey, instead of a PowerShell script .It’s important that if you want to use this mode, you need to install AutoHotkey firt.
    (Version 1. not Version 2 or later.)

VB 2.0 - 2023.02.07.

  • New card rendering engine, that's faster, more reliable and supports HDPI screens too.

  • Option to add your own subCategories.

  • Built in editor for SubCategories, and Cards.

  • Built in Backup system.

  • Added options: Card resizing, Positioning, and the ability, to change the window's top.

  • Added a mappable button to close the editor.

  • Various under the hood fixes, and optimalization.

VB 1.1 - 2023.01.23.

  • Fixed an issue on Winsows: The device was only able to load the first search result.

VB 1.0 -2023.01.17.

  • Initial Release

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