Wrapper Bundle
This Bundle includes all of my Max For Live plugin wrappers for Ableton Live,
I made up until 2025:
- Valhalla Wrapper
- Soundtoys Wrapper
- Kilohearts Wrapper
- Native Instruments Wrapper
- Arturia Wrapper
- Goodhertz Wrapper
- AnalogObsession Wrapper
Ableton | Live 10, Live 11, Live 12, |
System | Mac, Windows, |
What's in this bundle:

Valhalla Wrapper
Use the amazing Valhalla DPS plugins like native Ableton Live devices directly from the Device view!
These maxforlive plugin wrappers have the original plugins loaded inside them, with a recreated user interface you can see in Device view.
You can easily access any parameter without opening the GUI ( but you can still open it if you want to. ).
Every parameter mapped for Push, and they're ordered in meaningful pages!
Included wrappers:
Valhalla Delay
Valhalla FreqEcho
Valhalla Room
Valhalla Shimmer
Valhalla SpaceModulator
Valhalla Supermassive
Valhalla UberMod
Valhalla VintageVerb
Ableton | Live 10, Live 11, Live 12, |
System | Mac, Windows, |

Soundtoys Wrapper
Use the amazing Soundtoys plugins like native Ableton Live devices directly from the Device view!
These maxforlive plugin wrappers have the original plugins loaded inside them, with a recreated user interface you can see in Device view.
You can easily access any parameter without opening the GUI ( but you can still open it if you want to. ).
- Every parameter mapped for Push ordered in meaningful pages!
When you bypass the devices their latency will always drop to 0!
This is not possible with the original VST3/AU plugins that are not wrapped into a MaxForLive device. They’ll always keep their latency even if they’re bypassed. (This feature is suited for recording situations, not Live performances! read more about it below!)
devil loc
devil loc delux
echo boy jr
little alterboy
little microshift
little plate
little primaltap
little radiator
primal tap
sie q
MaxForLive devices by Elisabeth Homeland
Ableton | Live 10, Live 11, Live 12, |
System | Mac, Windows, |

Native Instruments wrapper
Use the amazing Native Instrument effect plugins like native Ableton Live devices directly from the Device view!
These maxforlive plugin wrappers have the original plugins loaded inside them, with a recreated user interface you can see in Device view.
You can easily access any parameter without opening the GUI ( but you can still open it if you want to. : ) ).
When you bypass the devices their latency will always drop to 0!
This is not possible with the original VST3/AU plugins that are not wrapped into a MaxForLive device. They’ll always keep their latency even if they’re bypassed.(This feature is suited for recording situations, not Live performances! read more about it below!) -
Every parameter mapped for Push ordered in meaningful pages!
Solid Bus Comp
Solid Dynamics
Solid EQ
Supercharger GT
Transient Master
MaxForLive devices by Elisabeth Homeland
Ableton | Live 10, Live 11, Live 12, |
System | Mac, Windows, |

Kilohearts Wrapper
Use the amazing Kilohearts Essentials plugins like native Ableton Live devices directly from the Device View!
You can easily access any parameter without opening the GUI ( but you can still open it if you want to. : ) ).
- Every parameter mapped for Push ordered in meaningful pages!
When you bypass the devices their latency will always drop to 0!
This is not possible with the original VST3/AU plugins that are not wrapped into a MaxForLive device. They’ll always keep their latency even if they’re bypassed. (This feature is suited for recording situations, not Live performances! read more about it below!)
kHs 3-Band EQ
kHs Bitcrush
kHs Channel Mixer
kHs Chorus
kHs Comb Filter
MaxForLive devices by Elisabeth Homeland
kHs Delay
kHs Distortion
kHs Dual Delay
kHs Ensemble
kHs Filter
kHs Flanger
kHs Formant Filter
kHs Frequency Shifter
kHs Gain.amxd
kHs Haas.amxd
kHs Ladder Filter
kHs Limiter.amxd
kHs Nonlinear Filter
kHs Phaser
kHs PitchShifter
kHs Reverb
kHs Reverser
kHs Stereo
kHs Tape Stop
Ableton | Live 10, Live 11, Live 12, |
System | Mac, Windows, |

Goodhertz Wrapper
Use the amazing Goodhertz effect plugins like native Ableton Live devices directly from the Device view!
These maxforlive plugin wrappers have the original plugins loaded inside them, with a recreated user interface you can see in Device view.
You can easily access any parameter without opening the GUI ( but you can still open it if you want to. : ) ).
When you bypass the devices their latency will always drop to 0!
This is not possible with the original VST3/AU plugins that are not wrapped into a MaxForLive device. They’ll always keep their latency even if they’re bypassed.(This feature is suited for recording situations, not Live performances! read more about it below!) -
Every parameter mapped for Push ordered in meaningful pages!
- CanOpener Studio
- Faraday Limiter
- Good Dither
- Lohi
- Lossy
- Megaverb
- Midside
- Midside Matrix
- Panpot
- Tiltshift
- Tone Control
- Trem Control
- Tupe
- Vulf Compressor
- Wow Control
MaxForLive devices by Elisabeth Homeland
Ableton | Live 10, Live 11, Live 12, |
System | Mac, Windows, |

Arturia Wrapper
Use the amazing Arturia effect plugins like native Ableton Live devices directly from the Device view!
These maxforlive plugin wrappers have the original plugins loaded inside them, with a recreated user interface you can see in Device view.
You can easily access any parameter without opening the GUI ( but you can still open it if you want to. : ) ).
When you bypass the devices their latency will always drop to 0!
This is not possible with the original VST3/AU plugins that are not wrapped into a MaxForLive device. They’ll always keep their latency even if they’re bypassed.(This feature is suited for recording situations, not Live performances! read more about it below!) -
Every parameter mapped for Push ordered in meaningful pages!
Chorus Dimension D
Chorus Jun 6
Comp Diode 609
Comp Fet 76
Comp Tube STA
Comp VCA 65
Delay Brigade
Delay Eternity
Delay Tape 201
Dist tube culture
EQ sitral 295
pre v76
rev Plate 140
Pre 1973.
Pre trida
Tape melo fi
MaxForLive devices by Elisabeth Homeland
Ableton | Live 10, Live 11, Live 12, |
System | Mac, Windows, |

AnalogObsession Wrapper
Use the amazing Analog Obsession effect plugins like native Ableton Live devices directly from the Device view!
These maxforlive plugin wrappers have the original plugins loaded inside them, with a recreated user interface you can see in Device view.
You can easily access any parameter without opening the GUI ( but you can still open it if you want to. : ) ).
When you bypass the devices their latency will always drop to 0!
This is not possible with the original VST3/AU plugins that are not wrapped into a MaxForLive device. They’ll always keep their latency even if they’re bypassed. (This feature is suited for recording situations, not Live performances! read more about it below!) -
Every parameter mapped for Push ordered in meaningful pages!
(I plan to expand this pack every once in a while!)
MaxForLive devices by Elisabeth Homeland
Ableton | Live 10, Live 11, Live 12, |
System | Mac, Windows, |