Elisabeth Homeland
Goodhertz Wrapper
Use the amazing Goodhertz effect plugins like native Ableton Live devices directly from the Device view!
These maxforlive plugin wrappers have the original plugins loaded inside them, with a recreated user interface you can see in Device view.
You can easily access any parameter without opening the GUI ( but you can still open it if you want to. : ) ).
When you bypass the devices their latency will always drop to 0!
This is not possible with the original VST3/AU plugins that are not wrapped into a MaxForLive device. They’ll always keep their latency even if they’re bypassed.(This feature is suited for recording situations, not Live performances! read more about it below!) -
Every parameter mapped for Push ordered in meaningful pages!
- CanOpener Studio
- Faraday Limiter
- Good Dither
- Lohi
- Lossy
- Megaverb
- Midside
- Midside Matrix
- Panpot
- Tiltshift
- Tone Control
- Trem Control
- Tupe
- Vulf Compressor
- Wow Control
MaxForLive devices by Elisabeth Homeland
Ableton | Live 10, Live 11, Live 12, |
System | Mac, Windows, |

CanOpener Studio




Wow Control

Trem Control


Vulf Compressor


Tone Control

Good Dither



Midside Matrix

Faraday Limiter

CanOpener Studio




Wow Control

Trem Control


Vulf Compressor


Tone Control

Good Dither



Midside Matrix

Faraday Limiter
First make sure you've installed the original plugins!
Then you can put these devices into your user library, basically anywhere.
Default location of the User Library:
When you install Live for the first time, the User Library is created at this location:
Windows: \Users\[username]\Documents\Ableton\User Library
Mac: Macintosh HD/Users/[username]/Music/Ableton/User Library
Please note that Live has to analise your user library after you put your devices in there... It could take a while.
For the time being, you can just drag and drop these devices on your track from your user library. until Live analyses your folders.
Always use the latest plugin versions of the plugins. ( I will follow every update with the wrappers.)
Version 1.2 - 2025.01.01.
New: If there's an update available, you'll see a small message (Update available: *version* ) on top of the ElisabethHomeland logo. If you click on it'll open my website where you can download the latest release.
Version 1.1 - 2024.05.01
New: Updated the wrappers to the latest plugin version. (3.10.1)
Most notably the two new tape modes are now accessible in Tupe. -
Fixed: The device's latency now reported correctly after turning the HQ mode off.
Fixed: Small UI glitch in Tupe.
Version 1.0 - 2024.04.16
Initial Release