Plugin Wrapper

Elisabeth Homeland

Soundtoys Wrapper


Use the amazing Soundtoys plugins like native Ableton Live devices directly from the Device view! 

These maxforlive plugin wrappers have the original plugins loaded inside them, with a recreated user interface you can see in Device view.


  • You can easily access any parameter without opening the GUI ( but you can still open it if you want to. ).

  • Every parameter mapped for Push ordered in meaningful pages!
  • When you bypass the devices their latency will always drop to 0!
    This is not possible with the original VST3/AU plugins that are not wrapped into a MaxForLive device. They’ll always keep their latency even if they’re bypassed. (This feature is suited for recording situations, not Live performances! read more about it below!)


  • crystallizer

  • decapitator

  • devil loc

  • devil loc delux

  • echo boy jr

  • little alterboy

  • little microshift

  • little plate

  • little primaltap

  • little radiator

  • microshift

  • primal tap

  • radiator

  • sie q

  • SuperPlate


MaxForLive devices by Elisabeth Homeland

Ableton Live 10, Live 11, Live 12,
System Mac, Windows,

Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews
Robin C.
Awesome Devices

Been using these wrappers for a while now and they are so useful. Really nice being able to use the plugin like a M4L device instead of having to open and close plugins. I can’t recomMend them more!

Wraptastic solution for my toys collection

EH got my and your back in regard to easy accessibility to a number of much used plugins in the industry and well thought solutions making Ableton Live even more powerful. So easy, accessible and well priced. What more do you need? Exactly, more EH M4L solutions for speeding up production and top-notch Live performance sessions.

Mike M.
Effortless Control of my Soundtoy in Ableton

As a long-time fan of Soundtoys plugins, this Max for Live device has completely transformed the way I work in Ableton. Managing multiple plugins used to be a hassle, but now it’s effortless. The way it streamlines everything into one interface feels like something Ableton should’ve had from the start.

What really stands out is how much it boosts creativity. Randomizing parameters, mapping MIDI controllers, and controlling multiple plugins at once—all without breaking focus—has opened up so many new possibilities in my workflow. It’s intuitive, stable, and inspires experimentation in ways I didn’t expect.

For anyone who loves Soundtoys and works in Ableton, this tool is a no-brainer. It’s practical, creative, and feels like it was designed by someone who truly understands the needs of musicians.

Crazy workflow enhancer!

I use the soundtoys plugins on every mix and with these wrappers I can work way faster now! Excellent work Nándi :)

Jason S.
Brilliant little wrappers

ElisabethHomeland wrappers make the SoundToys plugins so much easier to use - the effect gui now sits at the bottom of the screen and I can make little tweaks and adjustments on the fly without having to keep to plugin gui open (clogging up my workspace) or (worse) having to constantly open and close the plugin interface every few minutes. I can also automate parameters seamlessly and quickly. These wrappers work faultlessly, and are great both for workflow and functionality.

Neal C.
Soundtoys Wrapper

A great, hands on device to control your Soundtoys plugins. It looks great too! Sits beautifully into the device view.

Devil-Loc Deluxe
Echo-Boy Jr
Little Primaltap
Little AlterBoy
Little Radiator
Micro Shift
Devil-Loc Deluxe
Echo-Boy Jr
Little Primaltap
Little AlterBoy
Little Radiator
Micro Shift

First make sure you've installed the original plugins!

Then you can put these devices into your user library, basically anywhere.


Default location of the User Library:

When you install Live for the first time, the User Library is created at this location:

Windows: \Users\[username]\Documents\Ableton\User Library

Mac: Macintosh HD/Users/[username]/Music/Ableton/User Library


Please note that Live has to analise your user library after you put your devices in there... It could take a while.
For the time being, you can just drag and drop these devices on your track from your user library. until Live analyses your folders.

Always use the latest plugin versions of the plugins. ( I will follow every update with the wrappers.)

Version 2.4 - 2025.01.01.

  • New: If there's an update available, you'll see a small message (Update available: *version* ) on top of the ElisabethHomeland logo. If you click on it'll open my website where you can download the latest release. 

version 2.3.1 - 2024.11.20

  • Fixed the Input/Output link behavior in Decapitator

Version 2.3 - 2024.04.05

  • controlling the parameters from Push works as expected again.

Version 2.2 - 2024.04.02

  • Fixed a bug introduced in 2.1 that prevented the parameters to be changed from the floating GUI.

  • Added support for the new modulation mode in Live 12.

Version 2.1 - 2024.03.27

  • Live 12 support

Version 2.0 - 2024.02.13.

  • New feature: If you Bypass any of my wrapper their Latency will drop to 0. Which is not possible with plain AU/VST/VST3 plugins in Live

  • Undo history related fixes.

Earlier versions

  • No log available for earlier versions.