Elisabeth Homeland
GetOutOfMyWay is a MaxForLive device that helps you manage large projects, Live sets in Ableton Live more efficiently.
You can create up to 10 "View Groups" that you can use to focus on certain tracks in your Live set.
You can put an unlimited amount of keywords in each of them,
and once you enable a View Group, GOOMW will go through your Live set, and it'll "Highlight" all the tracks that completely or partially matches any of the keywords, while it'll "Hide" (Collapse) all the others.
This makes it easy to work on individual sections of your project without being distracted by other tracks.
In addition:
- You can zoom in or out on either the selected view group or the entire project.
- You can Create more complex View Groups with „Exception” and „Include” keywords.
You can combine multiple View Groups together by "Latching" them.
The device also includes two additional devices, Keep Opened and Keep Collapsed, which help you further organize your project.
- Works in both Arrangement and Session View too,
(except the zoom functionality which only works in Arrangement view)
MaxForLive devices by Elisabeth Homeland
Ableton | Live 10, Live 11, Live 12, |
System | Mac, Windows, |

Focus on tracks
Select a View Group to expand the tracks you want to work with while collapsing all the others in your Live Set.

Map MIDI or Keyboard shortcuts to these View Groups to access them quickly.

Flexible configs
You can go as complex as you want by including/excluding additional tracks.

Combine Groups
If you enable the Latch mode, you can combine View Groups together.

Zoom in/out
You can Zoom in or out on your Entire Live set, or the enabled View Groups with one click.

1. Use the G1 - G10 buttons to apply the selected ViewGroup to your project.
2. Enter keywords for the ViewGroup in the designated box (keywords are not case sensitive).
3. Rename the ViewGroup itself, which will appear under the corresponding dials/buttons in the device interface.
4. When the Latch mode is enabled you can combine multiple ViewGroups by activating more than one at the same time.
5. Use the "CollapseAll" button to collapse all tracks in your project. (Note: In the CollapseAll and ExpandAll modes, the Hight buttons will affect every track in your project.)
6. Use the "ExpandAll" button to Expand all tracks in your project.
7. Decrease the height of the tracks of the selected ViewGroup to get a better overview of your tracks.
8. Increase the height of the tracks of the selected ViewGroup to focus on specific tracks.
9. Expand or Collapse all Return tracks in your project.
10. Same as the normal Height buttons, but for the Return tracks.
11. If you type keywords into the "Always open Group," tracks that contain those keywords will be expanded regardless of the selected View Group (applies only to top-level tracks).
12. Choose whether the AlwaysOpen Group should change size when you use the zoom buttons.

1. You can activate or deactivate the device.
2. Use the Edit button to access the ViewGroup editor window.
3. The GroupSelector Dial allows you to switch between ViewGroups,
4. Open the Detail View by using this button.
5. G1-G10 buttons correspond to specific ViewGroups and can be mapped accordingly.
6. You can choose between two modes: Keep Last Selected Track (when you change a ViewGroup, it remains on the last selected track) or Jump to New First Track Mode (when you change a ViewGroup, it selects the first track with a matching keyword in your project).
7. There are two modes available: Only Apply (after selecting a ViewGroup, you can manually adjust track height) or ForceView Mode (when you select a track in your project, the device will force the selected ViewGroup, preventing your project from changing).
8. Use the "CollapseAll" button to collapse all tracks in your project.
9. Use the "ExpandAll" button to Expand all tracks in your project.
10. If Latch mode is enabled, you can combine multiple ViewGroups by activating more than one at the same time.
11. Decrease the height of the tracks in the selected ViewGroup to get a better overview of your tracks. Or Increase the height of the tracks in the selected ViewGroup to focus on specific tracks.
12. Expand or Collapse all Return tracks in your project.
13. The same as the normal Height buttons, but for the Return tracks.
For more advanced control, you can use "Exception" and "Include" keywords when setting up your ViewGroups. These keywords can help you exclude certain tracks from a ViewGroup, or include tracks that may be hidden in folder tracks without any matching keywords. Here's a brief explanation:

Let's say you have three types of tracks in your project:
1. Some top layer Audio tracks (Piano, Guitar, Vocal),
2. a folder track called "STUFF" with three tracks inside (Piano, Guitar, Vocal),
3. and three individual folder tracks, each with one audio track (Piano bus, Guitar bus, Vocal bus).

- Place the devices in your Ableton Live User Library.
- Default User Library locations:
- Live needs to analyze your User Library after adding devices. This process may take some time. In the meantime, you can drag and drop the devices from your User Library onto your tracks.
- After Live found them you'll be able to access them from Live's Browser.
Version 1.3 - 2025.01.01.
New: The Master device now has controls for the Sonarworks room correction integration.
If you have an Apollo X, Xgen2 You can access the following for both the monitor, and headphone corrections:
-Enable/Disable the correction,
-Bypass it,
-turn the Headroom on/off.
These new parameters are MIDI mappable, and they're displayed on push.
New: If there's an update available, you'll see a small message (Update available: *version* ) on top of the ElisabethHomeland logo. If you click on it'll open my website where you can download the latest release.
- Fix: The quick control parameters are once again recalled properly on project load.
Version 1.2 - 2024.02.13.
Live 12 support
Undo history related fixes.
2023.04.11 - Version 1.1 :
New Latch mode :
If enabled you can combine multiple ViewGroups - you'll be able to enable more than one at the same time like Drums, and Bass for more flexibility. -
New Return Group :
Expand/Collapse all the Return tracks with a button.
You can also change the Return track's height. -
GOOMW no longer applies any of the ViewGroups on project load.
Updated the parameter mappings for the push controllers.
Renamed multiple controls in the device (F.E.: Zoom - > Height Close -> Collapse and so on)
Updated Info View Texts.
Version 1.0 - 2023.03.21.
Initial Release