If I create Categories nothing happens, and there's no pictures for the Stock Ableton Live devices in VB.
That means you forgot to put the VisualBrowser folder into your Documents directory like this:

Or you may have put the whole release folder there.
Make sure it's the one that is called exactly "VisualBrowser".
If you're on Windows it's possible that you have multiple Documents directories. You can find the correct one by searching for:
In File explorer.
Everything shows up correctly, but when I click on a card VB just opens Live's browser and doesn't load anything.
It's probably a pretty easy fix:
It happens because VB doesn't have enough time to write in the "search words" into the browser. so it just closes.
You can open the settings in the VB window, then try to increase the Delay times in the advanced settings:

Once you find the values that work for you ( that loads the plugins successfully every time, and does it relatively fast)
You can either save VB as a preset into Live, or save it into your Template live-set, so it'll load with these settings every time.
When I click on a card VB just closes and nothing happens.
If you're on Mac:
you need to enable accessibility for Ableton Live in System Settings:

If it's already enabled you can try to:
1 Turn it off
2: Remove it from the list
3 Restart your computer
4: Open Live and try to use VB. It should ask for permissions.
If it doesn't ask then try to add Live manually again to this list.
If you're on Windows:
On Windows the default script uses CMD and PowerShell to create the keyboard shortcuts.
For the vast majority of the word it works just fine, but for some keyboard layouts/languages it executes completely different keystrokes.
Sadly there's no built in way to solve this without installing another application.
1: download AutoHotkey from here: ( The 1.1 version, not the 2.0!! )
2:install it
3: Enable AHK mode in the advanced settings:

That should solve the problem.