Varispeed GoodToKnow


  • Varispeed is not a realtime audio effect. It has to manually change parameter values in order to transpose your Live Set.
    If you have a larger Live Set with a lot of Audio/MIDI clips and plugins, it can take a few seconds to transpose everything.
  • The smallest amount of transposition Varispeed can do is 1 semitone.
  • Varispeed cannot transpose frozen tracks. It is recommended to duplicate the frozen track, flatten one of them, and mute the frozen one when using the device.

Notifications, restrictions:

Varispeed provides notifications restrictions in certain situations:

  1. Tempo Range Limit:

    Ableton Live has a default tempo range that cannot be exceeded. The slowest tempo is 20 BPM, and the fastest is 999 BPM.
    If the Tempo option is enabled, and the Live set’s tempo would get out of range by the transposition ( less then 20BPM or More than 999BPM), the knob's range is automatically limited to prevent that.
When this happens a red dot will appeir with the value of the minimum/maximum amount of transposition Varispeed can make.
This Limitation will depend on your original tempo:
For example, if your original tempo is 38 BPM, You won’t be able to turn Varispeed under -11.
If your original tempo falls between 80 BPM and 250 BPM, you can freely adjust the tempo in both directions.
MIDI Note Range Limit:

If your project contains very low or high MIDI notes, attempting to apply changes that hit the limits (0 or 127) will trigger a pop-up window from Varispeed, instructing you to revert the last change.