Varispeed ExcludeTracks

You may have tracks with either MIDI or audio clips in your project that you don't want to transpose such as:

  • audio tracks with drum and percussion samples
  • MIDI tracks with a DrumRack
  • MIDI tracks that contain MIDI generator tools, sequencers
  • Simpler devices in Slicing mode
  • Serato Sample plugins
  • and so on

With the exclude feature you can prevent the transposition of any track’s Audio/MIDI clips to get transposed if their name contains any of the keywords/symbols you’ve wrote into the box.

For example, if you have a MIDI track with a Drum Rack called “16 Snares,” the notes in its MIDI clips won’t get affected by Varispeed because it contains the word “snare.”

So it contine to trigger the correct cells/samples, after you transposed your project.

These keywords/signs are not case-sensitive, and they can be anywhere in the track’s name.So if you have a keyword “tom” it will exclude all tracks that are named like: tom, TOM, Toms, Tomato, and so on.

Note: You can still transpose individual Drum rack cells. More info about that in the Vpitch section later.)