GroundControl Release Notes

GroundControl 1.3 - 2025.01.01.

  • New: If there's an update available, you'll see a small message (Update available: *version* ) on top of the ElisabethHomeland logo. If you click on it'll open my website where you can download the latest release. 

  • New: The GroundControl Master device now have dedicated Sonarworks correction panels. 
    If you have an Apollo x, xGen2 interface you'll see controls for both for your speaker, and headphone correction profiles. 
    You can Enable/Disable, Bypass the individual corrections, or you can Enable/Disable the safe headroom feature. 

    These controls are key/MIDI mappable, and they're also accessible from Push. 

  • Fixed: The Quick Control parameters are once again recalled correctly when you re-open a Live set.

GroundControl 1.2 - 2024.11.12.

New features: 

The notes/Pictures section got a complete redesign: 

  • You can now have options to change the Font, Text size, Text color, and Background, for the notes section.

  • You have a mappable button that opens the note in a floating window. You can put it anywhere, you can resize it, and you can automate the opening/closing of this floating window. 

  • The pictures section is also available from this floating window: 

  • Also this Notes Pictures section is now available as a separate device (Included in the pack of course) :

  • It is now possible to Switch between Channels with the IO matrix list, and Pick up the new Channel's preamp/monitor/sends parameter values. 

The master section also got an overhaul:

  • Now you have controls over the Main Output/Monitoring section:

- Main monitor Volume 

- Monitor Mono toggle

- Monitor Mute toggle

- DIM toggle

- Dim amount value

- Monitor source selector

- Talkback toggle 

- Also now it can display the current DSP, PRG and MEM values. 

  • You can now Control certain Console options from the Master device:

-Sample rate

-Clip hold

-Peak Hold

-Meter mode

-Delay compensation


Other improvements:

-The Channel selection list now only includes the Channels that are enabled in the IO matrix in Console

-You have the option to hide hidden channels from the IO selection menu

-You can set the Channel device into "Parameter pickup" mode.
This option combined with the "Plugin pickup" mode allows you to import Channel configurations into the device from
a console session.


  • Fixed a bug with the IO selection list. For Stereo Linked tracks previously the device only showed the Left channels mono name, instead of the correct Stereo linked name of the two channels. 

  • Also when you rename the selected channel in the console, now the change is instantly reflected on the device, even if it's a stereo linked channel pair. 

  • Fixed a bug that broke the undo history if the undo point reached a "Stereo Link" button change. (previously it created a new undo history step.) 

  • Fixed a bug that disabled the Channel device in certain cases when you switched from a Stereo linked channel to a Mono channel. 

  • Fixed a bug that caused the Console's IO matrix to report random Channel names through the API like "ANALOG 16" 

  • Fixed a bug that caused some Channels to show up with a Preamp section even if it didn't have one (Like Virtual Channels) 

  • And that caused Some Channels to show up Without a Preamp section (Like simple Line inputs)

  • In some cases the Channel device was unable to pick up the Channels plugins on initiation (Mainly with setups where the IO matrix were modified) 

  • Fixed a bug that made some channels hidden in console while unlinking them.

  • And a lot more internal fixes, cleanups, modifications...

GroundControl 1.1 - 2024.09.24.

  • New Features:

    • Input and Send Meters: I added meter sections to provide visual feedback on input levels and send levels.

  • Record Arm & Mute Linking: You can now link the track’s record arm button to the channel’s mute. If you disarm the track, it mutes the channel, and enabling record arm unmutes it.

    • Monitor Mode Switching: If you’re using the monitor mode switching feature from the master device, you now have the option to select either “In” or “Auto” mode.

    • Plugin Copying Control: When switching channels, you can decide if you want to copy plugins from the previous channel or stick to those already on the newly selected one.

  • Improvements:

    • Faster Track Switching: Track switching is much quicker if the device doesn’t need to load or remove plugins from the channel, and even if it does, it’s still faster than before.

    • Plugin Window Stability: No more blinking! The plugin windows won’t close and reopen while switching channels.

    • Smooth Audio Switching: The Audio won’t cut out when switching between channels and the device doesn’t have to load, or remove plugins. (if it has to there's no way around it... the Console mutes everything while it loads/removes a plugin).

Bug Fixes:

  • Correct Monitoring Mode Switching: Fixed an issue where switching or moving tracks could unintentionally change some unrelated track’s monitoring mode to “Off”.

    • Swappable Plugin Order: You can now swap plugin orders on all channels, not just the first one.

    • Channel Setting Bleeding: Resolved an issue where settings from one channel device would “bleed” into others if you quickly selected tracks one after another.

GroundControl 1.0 - 2024.09.24.

  • Initial Release