GOOMW ViewGroupEditor

1.  Use the G1 - G10 buttons to apply the selected ViewGroup to your project.

2.  Enter keywords for the ViewGroup in the designated box (keywords are not case sensitive).

3.  Rename the ViewGroup itself, which will appear under the corresponding dials/buttons in the device interface.

4.  When the Latch mode is enabled you can combine multiple ViewGroups by activating more than one at the same time.

5.   Use the "CollapseAll" button to collapse all tracks in your project. (Note: In the CollapseAll and ExpandAll modes, the Hight buttons will affect every track in your project.)

6.   Use the "ExpandAll" button to Expand all tracks in your project.

7.   Decrease the height of the tracks of the selected ViewGroup to get a better overview of your tracks.

8.   Increase the height of the tracks of the selected ViewGroup to focus on specific tracks.

9.   Expand or Collapse all Return tracks in your project.

10. Same as the normal Height buttons, but for the Return tracks.

11.   If you type keywords into the "Always open Group," tracks that contain those keywords will be expanded regardless of the selected View Group (applies only to top-level tracks).

12.  Choose whether the AlwaysOpen Group should change size when you use the zoom buttons.